Thursday, May 31, 2007

www = writing writing writing...

Presentation in the morning, research and meeting in the afternoon, writing during the night…over and over again… everybody is fed up of it!

And to make things worse, as I’m me, of course that I still want to show the bar X to my family, have breakfast with my uncle in the city center, pass in Graslei – even if for only 10 minutes during the lunch break- or at someone’s place for a cup of tea even if you have a terrible headache because you haven’t sleep much during the last days…

Honestly. I love all the benefits of this technology era, I love having a laptop which I can carry with me everywhere… but I rather be somewhere sit in the garden talking and laughing than somewhere where there are more laptops than people!!!

Maar ja... welcome to Belgium!
"But I can't complain... at least I have Ghent,.. and the cafés..." :) and I'm becoming uma croma!!! - ah, saudade de escrever em português... :) agora já sou allowed! :P

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