Friday, May 25, 2007

Latest MoCoMa news...

- Tonight was the international dinner and we had so much food that tomorrow at noon everybody will go back to the polish place to finish the food. :P

- “Why not?” (You should pronounce it as Marta did when we were surprised with her engagement next year!!!) is, for the moment, the most popular sentence among us.

- According to Laura (you’re crazy woman!;)) you can have a pain, or you can have a pain and a half!

- Nico pimped my life! :P

- The more north your country is, the earlier you will leave the party…

- Laura from Latvia 12points had (not anymore) the nicest house here in Gent, and Laura "tu eres mona" takes the silver medal... ;)

- Less then 4 weeks to go… too much work and little time to enjoy everything… but we are managing…

- Graslei hasn’t been spoiled by us last days, but we will compensate you!

- We, MoCoMa students are in every web corner!

- We hate wikis! :P

- Portuguese girl is f*ckin’ loving her classmates the most when they are almost leaving… it’s not fair…

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