Friday, May 25, 2007

Almost FanKlub... :P

I’ve been introduced to electro music since I’m leaving this experience with my Malaka and I can say that I’ve discovered something that I really need. When I don’t go to one of the parties that I use to call “his kind of parties” for a long time, I miss it, and I can’t wait for the next one…

FunKlub is one of the most famous spots for those parties around here. One specific party Malaka likes to go for month, in Antwerp. Since October that he was inviting me and since October that I was giving him excuses not to go (other plans, work, money…). But apparently April was THE month and I was going. Or not! :P

We gather at my place for some food and drinks… talking, laughing and drinking for some hours… and the rest I won’t tell… but I can say that we DID get to Antwerp – it was the first time for me there, and I was so excited for that too, Antwerp finally! – but not to FanKlub, at least me, Laura and Nico.

But undoubtedly it was a night and a trip in the train we will never forget… :)

P.s. We will try again this month, right?

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